How to set up Elastic IP address on AWS

Callaba Cloud
4 min readApr 6, 2022


In this tutorial we are going to learn how to set up Elastic IP address and associate it with our instance on AWS.

First off, what is Elastic IP address?

Elastic IP address is a permanent IP address that can be assigned to your instance for as long as you want to keep it.

If you do not assign Elastic IP address to your instance, then every time you stop and later re-launch your instance it will have a new IP, different from the one it had before you stopped it.

If you’ve set up some complex settings that are tied to the IP of your instance (like CloudFront), then you’ll have to re-set everything every time. Doing the same work over and over does not sound great, and here Elastic IP address comes like useful tool.

Before we begin

For this tutorial to be useful to you, ideally should already have an account on Amazon Web Services and an instance in your EC2 console.

If by chance you came here before you managed to get all that, please check out this tutorial first :
How to create SRT server and start streaming over the SRT Protocol (link).

There we cover the process of launching an instance on AWS in great detail.

Make sure to learn how to stop or terminate your instance when your work is done, as AWS charges running instances on a per-hour basis.

(!) Be aware of the cost

AWS charges a small per-hour fee for the IPs that are allocated in your account and are not associated with a running AWS instance.
As small as $0.005 per hour. Which is around $3.6 per month.

However, different regions have different prices.

Learn more: Pricing of the Elastic IPs (link).

Read also: Why am I being billed for Elastic IP addresses when all my Amazon EC2 instances are terminated?(link)

Okay, now let’s begin.

1 . Open EC2 Console (link)

Go to Elastic IPs

Click “Allocate Elastic IP address”

2. Click “Allocate” to get an IP address from the AWS pool of addresses

3. Tada! Your IP was allocated. Now we are going to assign this IP to our instance.

Back on the Elastic IPs page

Select your generated Elastic IP address

Click Actions > Associate Elastic IP address

4. On the page that opens fill in the forms

Resource type : Instance

Instance : select your instance ID

Private IP address : select the Private IP address of your instance

Click “Associate”

Great! You’ll see a notification about the association.

5. Now let’s make sure that our instance has our new IP address

Go to Instances

Select your instance and check it’s IP

How to disassociate and delete your Elastic IP address

To change the instance your Elastic IP address is being associated with or to delete it, you need to disassociate it from the current instance first.

Disassociating Elastic IP

1 . Open EC2 Console (link)

Go to Elastic IPs

Select your Elastic IP

Click Actions > Disassociate Elastic IP address

Deleting Elastic IP

Disassociate your Elastic IP first

Then click Actions > Release Elastic IP

Once you’ve released your Elastic IP, there will be no more charges for the usage of the Elastic IP.

This is the end of our tutorial.

If you have any questions, please contact us at:
We will respond to you within 48 hours.
Happy streaming!

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Callaba Cloud

Cloud-based service for broadcasting high quality video and audio over the SRT Protocol. Streaming, Multistreaming to social platforms and Recording.